Monday, January 10, 2011

my favourite podcasts

I thought I’d share a few of my favorite podcasts, for those who are into the podcast scene.  I enjoy listening to podcasts in the car and when I am alone at work with the kitchen to myself.
1) This American Life.  A weekly podcast based around a theme, with different stories on that theme.  The content is usually based on stories of everyday American people, but sometimes includes fiction as well.  It has won tons of awards and is frequently the top rated podcast.  The This American Life podcast favorites can be found on their website.
2) NPR’s 7 AM News Summary.  I don’t have television and local radio doesn’t come through very clear either, so aside from hitting a couple of newspaper websites in the morning, I like the news summary for a quick run-down.  The podcast doesn’t run more than five minutes and gets me about half-way to work.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Gag d'iniesta i puyol

Aniol Ibraim i Milena
fan la seva primera imitaciĆ³ per un programa de tags.

per veure l'original del CRACKovia LINK